
Viettel High Tech Signed Million-Dollar Contract in the Philippines

Month 08,  30/2024

On August 29, 2024, in Manila, Philippines, Viettel High Tech (Vietnam) signed a contract with ContactPoint, Inc. (Philippines) to supply a Shooting Simulation Training System. Attendees included Mr. Tao Duc Thang, Chairman and CEO of Viettel Group; Mr. Nguyen Vu Ha, General Director of Viettel High Tech; Mr. Cesar Jr. Manuel, CEO of ContactPoint; and leaders from the Philippine National Police, Navy, Army, Police Training Academy, and the Presidential Security Group.


This is Viettel High Tech's second contract in this market within six months, with a total value of nearly $2 million, marking a significant milestone in Viettel's expansion into high-tech in the Philippines.

Since March 2024, Viettel High Tech has committed to deploying customized shooting simulation systems for the Philippine National Police. At the event, Viettel High Tech handed over the system to ContactPoint and representatives of the Philippine National Police. The system, developed by Viettel High Tech with core technology, features high customizability and over 90% new functions tailored to the training needs of the customer. Notably, Viettel High Tech has developed a recoil mechanism in the simulation system, supporting specific weapons such as Glock, Taurus, and M16 Rifles, and developed a new shooting training software module, enhancing the quality of training and combat readiness.

Viettel milestone in Philippines

Radel Ramos, Training Director of the Philippine National Police, expressed surprise at Viettel High Tech's quick and flexible response to technical requirements. He emphasized, "Viettel High Tech not only provides advanced technological solutions but also helps our forces significantly improve their training capacity, in line with the practical conditions of the Philippines."

Cesar Jr. Manuel, CEO of ContactPoint, shared, "We searched extensively, but no other partner worldwide could customize their products to our exact needs like Viettel High Tech. Moreover, Viettel High Tech's pricing is extremely competitive compared to other suppliers." This has created a significant competitive advantage for Viettel High Tech in the international market.

Nguyen Vu Ha, General Director of Viettel High Tech, stated, "We are committed to providing the most advanced and high-quality products in the Philippines and internationally, contributing to improving training quality and reducing training costs." The success of the shooting simulation training system is a testament to Viettel High Tech's technological capabilities, built on many years of research and development.

With the advantage of mastering core technology, Viettel High Tech not only integrates advanced features but also optimizes the system according to the customer's unique needs, a capability that international competitors find challenging to replicate. The simulation system from Viettel High Tech has undergone rigorous testing, ensuring high durability and effectiveness under all conditions.

Recently, Viettel High Tech has made remarkable strides in researching and exporting high-tech products under the "Make in Vietnam" brand, affirming Vietnam's competitive position in the international market and strengthening the stature of Viettel Group - a global technology group from Vietnam.

About ContactPoint, Inc. (Philippines)
Founded in 2009, ContactPoint, Inc. is a leading technology company in the Philippines. ContactPoint provides solutions and equipment for government, individuals, and businesses, including the Philippine Civil Aviation Authority, Philippine Air Force, Department of Information and Communications Technology, and the Philippine Bureau of Customs. The company has gained trust from both domestic and international clients, expanding its operations globally.

About Viettel High Tech
Viettel High Tech, the core unit of Viettel Group in the High-Tech Industry sector, continuously expands its research and mastery, producing urgently needed weapons and next-generation equipment. Viettel High Tech is the main provider of simulation systems in both military and civilian sectors, including tank training simulation systems, aircraft pilot training systems, personal shooting simulation systems for special reconnaissance forces, and civilian car driving simulation systems. Viettel High Tech aims to lead the Southeast Asian market in simulation models and approach global standards. The company also focuses on mastering virtual reality technologies such as VR, AR, and MR (mixed reality), laying the groundwork for the 5G network boom and the development of fifth-generation simulation products for both military and civilian applications.

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