
Viettel High Tech has officially completed the installation of the first 5G network in India

Month 10,  31/2023

Upon arriving in India, VHT members promptly set up the infrastructure and necessary connections for the system, while simultaneously establishing a work exchange system in Vietnam. The partner, Quadgen, also quickly engaged in detailed technical discussions and expressed positive impressions of VHT's product.


Mr. RAO, Chairman and CEO of Quadgen, along with Vice Chairman Mr. Kartik, invited the VHT engineering team to present the system and technical details, including VHT's 5G capabilities and scalability. The CEO of Quadgen has a background as a former Vice President at Lucent and Bell Labs, USA...


The team presented and demonstrated the product to the CEO and Vice President of the partner company.

Mr. Rao, Chairman and CEO of Quadgen (in white on the right), and Mr. Kartik, Vice President (furthest to the left).

Quadgen, specializing in the deployment, design, and management of telecommunications infrastructure for several US carriers, brings significant experience and expertise to the field. During the 4-day training program (8 sessions), Quadgen's team participated fully and enthusiastically. As the VHT team demonstrated and explained the equipment operations, Quadgen’s representatives attentively observed, listened, and took notes on each step.


Mr. Nam presented the code


In India, currently only JIO, the largest carrier in the country, provides 5G services using the Stand Alone (SA) architecture, but it does not yet offer VONR (Voice over NR). Throughout the VHT team’s assignment in India, Quadgen provided enthusiastic support, assisting with the work location, deployment tools, and connecting with the VHT team in Vietnam.


This success is the result of nearly two months of relentless work by not only the VHT engineers on-site in India but also the supporting members in Vietnam. During the preparation and deployment phases, VHT engineers in Vietnam often worked on Saturdays and even some Sundays. On certain Saturdays, over 15 people came to the office, with the development team refining the product and the testing team evaluating new integrated features.

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