

Viettel High-Tech Industry Corporation held the official launch ceremony

Viettel High-Tech Industry Corporation held the official launch ceremony

Mar 20, 2022Viettel Tek - NEWS

On May 24, 2019, the launching ceremony of Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation (Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation - VHT) was solemnly held at Viettel Sports Center marking an important milestone in the formation process. and development of the Corporation.

Discover the training course for VHT managers

Discover the training course for VHT managers

Mar 17, 2022Viettel Tek - NEWS

According to a study by the international organization MSW on 1500 employees (same industry, in different countries) to evaluate the cohesion in the workplace. Research shows that the relationship between employees and direct managers is the most influential factor on employee engagement.

VHT join International exhibition on Defence Indo Defence 2018

VHT join International exhibition on Defence Indo Defence 2018

Mar 16, 2022Viettel Tek - NEWS

Indo Defense 2018 is one of the largest defense industry exhibitions in Southeast Asia and is held every 2 years by Indonesia. A Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Minister of National Defense Be Xuan Truong attended the event. Indo Defense 2018 is also a defense diplomacy forum to connect and strengthen cooperation between countries around the world for peaceful purposes.

Viettel has the most comprehensive digital digital conversion solution in Asia - Oceania

Viettel has the most comprehensive digital digital conversion solution in Asia - Oceania

Mar 15, 2022Viettel Tek - NEWS

Military Industry - Telecommunications Group (Viettel) is the only enterprise of Vietnam to win the best technology enterprise category thanks to providing comprehensive service solution systems at the Information Technology Awards Asian News - Oceania (ASOCIO AWARDS 2021) is nominated by the Vietnam Information Technology Association and Services Association (VINASA).